Monday, June 15, 2015


In 2011, Playing For Change joined forces with the United Nations Population Fund and the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund for UNFPA 7 Billion Actions campaign. By the end of that year, the world population reached 7 billion, and that global campaign strove to bring awareness to the opportunities and challenges that the population growth would present. 7 billion people means 7 billion hearts, and music has always been the best way to speak to the hearts of the people. They traveled across the globe, put headphones on musicians, added them to the track, and created UNITED, which serves as a tangible example of something positive we can all do together as a human race.
-- original video here

"United" live in Lyon with Orchestre Confluences featuring Tal Ben Ari (Tula) | Playing For Change from Playing For Change on Vimeo.

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