Saturday, February 07, 2015

What Does Connected Learning Look Like?

Ninth-grader Charles Raben (student at Quest to Learn) has seen first-hand that by connecting the many spheres of his life -- peers, interests and academic pursuits -- new learning experiences can and will present themselves in both organized and unstructured ways. In the summer of 2012, Charles utilized his photography skills and the petition website to capture and share the story of Jerry Delakas, a longtime local newsstand operator who was in danger of losing his New York City license over a technicality. "I wanted to have that experience of creating change myself." The petition-making process proved to be a life-changing learning experience for the teen. Charles has become even more engaged in school, and all of his academic work is improving as a result of all of these activities because he has an identity now. A single sentence on his photography blog eloquently bares this newfound identity: "Each face tells a story and I try to capture just that." (from Connected Learning website)
-- Read more HERE

Charles Raben, 9th Grade Student at Quest to Learn from Institute of Play on Vimeo.

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