Friday, November 21, 2014

Success Starts with Teachers

On any given day, teachers make thousands of decisions, facilitate at least a dozen different lessons and connect with students on various levels. Often times, the most successful schools have the right supports in place to help its teachers continue to learn and grow so that they can ensure students do the same...For teachers in high-poverty schools however, there are growing pressures and a unique set of daily challenges that make the task of teaching become more than simply classroom learning. With input from administrators and teachers, this film explores what the field of teaching looks like today and how schools equip teachers to teach under-resourced learners, understand diverse student needs and pave the road to success for all Nebraska’s students. The stories from this film let educators share their experiences to explain our evolving state of education and most importantly, urge viewers to consider the question: what’s the value of a great teacher?
"Success Starts with Teachers" is the latest 30-min documentary from NelovesPS.
-- Click on image below to watch FULL documentary

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