Friday, November 14, 2014

21st century learners

Patrick Newell interviews Arthur Costa for the 21Foundation, at the 14th International Conference on Thinking (14th ICOT) in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in June, 2009. Arthur Costa was Emeritus Professor at California State University, and is Author of “Habits of Mind”. Drawing on his substantial experience as an educator, Costa speaks about self-evaluation, the construction of meaning and preparing for the 21st century.

Arthur Costa Interview from 21 Foundation on Vimeo.

21:21 is a documentary film produced by 21 Foundation to highlight the urgent need for the adoption of 21st century learning methods. In the film, which was shot in schools in 9 countries, Learning Activist and 21 Foundation founder Patrick Newell demonstrates the problems with traditional teaching techniques, before introducing some of the fundamental elements of 21st century leaning - and demonstrating the positive effect that they have upon learners from all backgrounds.
We posted this some time ago - worth watching if you have not already done it.

21:21 from 21 Foundation on Vimeo.

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