Monday, July 13, 2015

Finding a sense of higher purpose

"Above all things as teachers and educators we need to remember that our job is to change the way our students see their world so that they can live it to their potential, not to the potential that the policy-makers have for them or people in control or people with the silver bullets. As educators our job is to ensure that each and every one of our individual students see their world and see that possibility"
Richard Gerver has been described as one of the most inspirational leaders of his generation. He argues that great leadership is about serving the needs of the people that work for you and rely upon you. The three core principles that underpin Richard's philosophy are communication, empowerment and impact. Richard's insights into change, leadership and education are unique thanks to his own extraordinary journey, which has seen him go from struggling actor, copywriter and estate agent, to becoming an award winning teacher and school principal, whose ground breaking work in education was celebrated by the British National Teaching awards and UNESCO amongst others. Gerver works closely with Sir Ken Robinson who cites Richard as one of the world's most exceptional educators; he features in Robinson's best-selling book, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything.

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