Monday, July 20, 2015

Creating Music. Transforming Futures.

"Through music we bring into the grim reality of the prison regime hope for life inside and for a future life outside" - Sarah Price, former Chair
The Irene Taylor Trust was set up in 1995 in memory of Irene Taylor, the wife of the late Lord Chief Justice Peter Taylor, who had a personal interest in both penal reform and music. They believe that creating original music collaboratively can make a powerful impact on people’s lives, bringing them new confidence, important transferrable social skills and raised aspirations for the future. Music can break down barriers and help people who have found themselves pushed to the fringes of society to become celebrated and valued members at the heart of the community. Their projects (Music in Prisons, Making Tracks and Sounding Out) support NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) young people, ex-prisoners and people of all ages in prisons and light a spark that can be the catalyst in supporting them to change their lives for the better.

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