"Standardized testing is cheap and is easy, but it it not good..why would we trust what somebody put on a test, on a bubble sheet that they (students) took on one day of the year better than what we see with our eyes every day, why do we allow that..."
"In our cities, in places where they are not passing the test they are stripping art, they are stripping history, they are stripping gym, they are stripping everything out just to give them really good math prep so they can pass the test..That is not education, that is training and what are we training them for? We are training them for the 21st century workforce...I want the 21st century citizens. If we shoot for citizens we will get the workforce we need, if we shoot for citizens, not only we get workers, we will get husbands and wives and friends and neighbours and politicians and activists and scholars..."
Chris Lehmann is the founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, a progressive science and technology high school in Philadelphia, PA. Chris has returned to his native Philadelphia after nine years as an English Teacher, Technology Coordinator, Girls Basketball Coach and Ultimate Frisbee coach at the Beacon School in New York City, one of the leading urban public schools for technology integration. Great passionate presentation.
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn" -- Alvin Toffler
-- read Chris' blog
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